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Orchestrate your transformations

Orchestrate from day one
Share a vision

What is it?

A “participation-based” approach to transformation & change,

based on principles of behavioural science,

With a pragmatic & intrapreneurial way forward,

Bringing the entire organisation into motion.

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Involving the entire organisation

in a precise frame with predefined conditions


With an iterative design of the approach,

along with identified challenges and emerging solutions

Key steps to transform


Tell the story

Authentically explain the need for change

"Why are we changing?" "What if we don't?"



Give each the opportunity to express feeling, thoughts

and ideas; always listen; address issues through dialogue. Explain "why".


Involve people

Involve a representative set of people in elaborating the transformation. Never miss an opportunity to share

progress with others.



Plan dynamically. Design your approach along with ideas emerging ideas & obstacles.

Adapt based on what happened moving forward.



Identify possible quick wins. Go diligently after them. Celebrate often.

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Details matter. They create depth, and depth creates authenticity.
Neil Blumenthal

We are biologically built to resist to change. To most persons, maintaining a current situation feels more comfortable than any change. If you want to make someone "move" from one situation to another, you better understand who that person is, what she/he thinks, DIALOGUE with her/him to share and discuss the information and motivate why it would be interesting for that person to move. Finally, you need to give TIME to that person to let it sink in, and give him/her additional opportunities to REFLECT on the matter.

Research shows that change introduced to populations on a “PARTICIPATION” basis - through meetings with concerned people, demonstrating the need for change, agreeing on the possibility of change, discussing on how the existing can be improved - shows smaller initial drop in output and a very rapid recovery to a rate exceeding previous rates. Without signs of hostility towards staff or managers.

But participation is not something that can be conjured up or created artificially. You obviously cannot buy it as you would buy a typewriter. You cannot hire people who have the ability “to get participation” built into them or exhort managers to “Get in there and start participation.” Participation is a feeling on the part of people, not just the mechanical act of being called in to take part in discussions. It is valuing the discussions for their own worth, taking them into account, and act upon them. The "how" of participation is key.


Examples of projects




Transformation of a collection of independent affiliates into a collaborative group

Industrial player

SITUATION: A company with more than 100 affiliates across the world, working each independently in an entrepreneurial way. An acquisition of a small division of a highly structured group.


  • Set up of an internal social network, to communicate on a daily basis and share best practices across the group, with a small but dedicated team of "animators"; daily involvement of the CEO,

  • Celebration of "successes" and sharing in group meetings in a "ready-to-use" manner (= recipe-like),

  • Off-line meetings (as a relay to the online), gathering individuals per level (Managing Directors, marketing specialists, etc.) to present successful initiatives around sales & digitalisation,

  • Set up of a central team with representatives of each division

  • Set up of 18 taskforces aiming at 150M in synergies

  • Weekly agile meetings with taskforce leaders, CEO & COO

IMPACT: Emergence of a collaborative culture, with intense sharing of best practices, leveraging "best of both" from the acquirer and acquiree.

Transformation of an execution-minded organisation

Service provider

SITUATION: Consequent to 20 years of unchanged way of working & processes, and a transfer of innovative mindsets to another division, the leader was loosing market share innovation-driven competitors.


  • We performed a systemic diagnostic, through which we interviewed 20 customers and 25 staff members to qualify the current situation, identify obstacles and key needs,

  • We aligned the Management Team around a shared "how to" view,

  • We created a pragmatic governance for the transformation programme, avoiding paperwork and favouring dialogue,

  • We assisted the workforce in detailing the day-to-day processes, and identifying key improvement needs,

  • We changed the organisation towards small client-oriented autonomous teams

IMPACT: Delays evolved from 4 weeks to 24h, lost market share was regained and employee satisfaction increased dramatically.

Transformation to an autonomous way of working

Consulting company

SITUATION: Fast-growing SME losing its entrepreneurial culture as reaching 100+ employees. Important employee dissatisfaction.


  • We performed a systemic diagnostic, through which we interviewed 30 employees & 5 clients

  • Repetitive sessions with the Management Team, and consequently with the entire organisation, to define a clear mission & vision, rooted in everyday's work & actions. 

  • Definition of a number of project teams, working simultaneously on 'content' and 'learning a new way of working' 

  • Monthly "town-hall" meeting and celebration

IMPACT: Active participation of all employees in the transformation. Restructure of the organisation into small autonomous teams.

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